Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I've had it with computers

It is taking me waaay too long to figure out how to get this started. I've gone to other blogs where I see something I really like & it says "post this everywhere for me- send it to links everywhere". I REALLY want to ship it over , but nothing ever works. Where's the button that simply sends things where you want them to go without my having to spend days trying to set something up just to get a picture of a sweater I want to knit onto my blog, or get that video of the kid I just saw on someones blog over to mine? I have buttons here saying 'insert bold tags',sounds good to me so I hit the button. why doesn't it just become bold print instead of a line of unrecognizable letters,arrows & signs that mean nothing to me & don't tell me what to do next-put the word I wanted bold? Do I hit it again to close it's boldness or does it make everything I do after that bold? And why isn't something there telling me in simple terms what I should do with the button. Just because they label it doesn't mean I know what the label means. However this comes out today, I'm going to know if I have to hit the bold button in front of the word I want changed & again after. I hit it once. You'll all know once wasn't enough if the word really at the beginning of my first foray into the blogging world has made every other word after that BOLD. At least my first attempt is a bold one. Of course, if once wasn't enough I'll be even more confused so I'm going back to make "really" into something that will at least be seen.


  1. Do you have blogger? It took me along time to figure everything out I know your frustrations.((((Hugs)))) Darcy

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm knottyknitter40 on ravelry write me there and we will exchange info your blog needs a new look black is to severe.I have set up blogs for friends who are new to computors and there are really cute backgrounds do you know if you have blogger or word press?Hugs Darcy
