Saturday, November 14, 2009

And Now A Word From Our Sponsors Enablers

I was just sitting here (at 2:30 AM !!) thinking about the economy and how it has affected everyone in one way or another. If you're one of the lucky 3 people in the country it hasn't touched, I'm sure you know hundreds it has. Everyone is changing something about their lives because of the economy; some things are small things, like giving up having someone clean their home, and others are huge changes where people have taken 1 or even 2 more jobs just to make ends meet while they cut everything to bare bones just to keep the heat and light in their homes, or have lost their homes because even that wasn't enough.

I was thinking of this in terms of those of us who are knitting. What have we been doing to continue knitting, which brings us so much pleasure, not to mention relief from stress in a way we can't manage to find any other way? How do we buy the quality yarn to make our projects extra special, last for generations in some cases, or just not fall apart after spending weeks and even months working on intricate patterns that can drive us blind and batty while also giving us such a sense of pride and accomplishment? Is it worth spending $20 to $40 for a skein of yarn that would cost us $5 in the acrylic version? And with the holidays speeding toward us, and many of us making knit or crochet gifts for those we love the most, it's become a question I've been giving an exorbitant amount of time pondering.

When I knit baby items for the local hospital, I've been told that they must be done in acrylic yarn to make it easier for the new parents who receive these sweaters, hats, booties,blankets, etc. That may well be so, but I'm always thinking that I'm making something that should be very special for the occasion of a new birth, something that can be passed down to other children and perhaps even their children. It should be made well and made with love. Still, I have some issues making beautiful clothing from acrylic yarn, even if it is cost effective and easy to launder. An entire sweater and hat can be made for about $5 worth of acrylic yarn...but my time added to that makes it priceless. So, I've come to terms with acrylic yarn ( and there are some very lovely acrylics out there) for certain projects. I just don't want a stash of acrylics. That's just me.

When I make things for my children I always look for the best yarn I can work with for the project. I want whatever I make to feel wonderful, so wonderful that they want to wear it all the time because they love the feel of it. There's nothing quite as satisfying as having a 20 year old son letting you know how much he loves the socks you made for him, and how they feel better than any store bought socks. It really makes my day. I could cry from joy. The same thing goes when my soon to be 24 year old daughter takes her shoes off to show anyone who'll listen that her mom made these socks, these are mom socks. People look at them, feel them, are in awe that such a creation could occur, and let her know how lucky she is to have such terrific socks. I cry from laughter (and joy) from those moments.

I have lists of things I want to make for my children and certain people in my family. I've given up on keeping up with a time line since I've learned I don't work well when I feel pressured to churn out finished products, it just creates stress when I'm trying to reduce it. But I have patterns marked with names, books with markers on certain pages labeled with the names of the people I want to make them for. Nothing on these lists have anything to do with acrylic yarn...just saying.

Most knitters have a stash, yarn they just had to have for a thousand personal reasons, but have yet to use. I learned many years ago that just storing them wasn't a good thing for me. I'd go to my stash and find 18 skeins of Noro and have absolutely no idea why I had so many skeins or what I had in mind to make with them when I bought them. But **I'll get back to this stash stuff in a bit**those of you who know, know that that's a major investment in yarn. I figured that if I bought so many skeins in the same dye lot, there was a plan in my head when I found them and took them home. It took me weeks of going through books and magazines hoping to find the pattern that went with the yarn, and when I finally found it, and had my Aha! moment, it wasn't just for finding the pattern that went with the yarn, it was also my Gestalt moment for how to deal with future stashes and yarn purposes. The Noro was for a stunning Entrelac long shawl for my daughter, and it was breathtaking when she first put it on. I felt as if I'd created something spectacular, mind blowing, with the potential of becoming an heirloom that one day, if she should have one, her daughter would wear. That's a lot to be thinking about a shawl you made, but there it is, that's part of what I felt. Now I've been writing this and wondering...would I have had the same reaction if I'd made that shawl from a very good acrylic yarn instead of the Noro? I'm ashamed to admit that I wouldn't. It might have been a lovely shawl, but the textures, colors,and fibers that make up a Noro yarn would have been missing, and sorely missed from the beauty and drape of the finished shawl.

I haven't purchased any more Noro of any kind (I'd really like to try their sock yarn), but I do have enough of their Silk Garden to make another shawl. I originally thought it would be for me, but I just don't know. I say this because I have yet to make something, anything, even a pair of socks, for me. I love making things for those I love, and am finding I'm very picky about who I knit for,but somehow, things for me never get on the list. I've got to give this some thought. I'd like a pair of socks at the very least.

So, back to that stash... I've learned a lot about how to keep my stash of beautiful yarns from becoming just a bunch of yarn I can't remember why I bought. I now make a copy of the pattern I want to make out of the yarn with the yarn when I pack it away. It seems to make me feel better about having a stash to begin with, and much better about having a stash of really good yarns. Working this way has also kept me from buying yarn just because it's beautiful, which would have me living in a tiny space in a corner of a house filled with luscious yarns. I know this with certainty because lately I've fallen off the stash wagon so to speak. Yup, I've been figuring that even one skein of a totally fabulous yarn can be made into something wonderful like a hat or small shawl or scarf, socks or something. And this is certainly not the time in our economy where any knitter should fall off the stash wagon.

I blame the enablers. Yes, I've said it and I'm sticking to it. I'm just so not ready to blame myself for loving some of these yarns that much. It has to be the fault of the enablers out there who make such beautiful yarns, that feel like heaven, and smell wonderful, and are squooshy (definitely a yarn term) and soft and have unbelievably blended, saturated colors from meticulous hand dyeing. It certainly couldn't be me *sigh*.

There are some yarns out there that even in this economy are so hard to get because of their amazing properties that it's like discovering a gold mine in your backyard when you get a skein or two or three. Yarns like Wollmeise from Germany that a lovely woman named Claudia dyes by herself and sells in a marketplace, on line, and very recently in a new brick and mortar shop. I'm not lying when I tell you I want to go to Germany just to go to the shop and buy as much of her yarn as I can get my hands on in every colorway I fall in love with. I'd be happy just touching all the different skeins and breathing in the aroma of her yarns while sitting in a chair knitting. For now I'm just one of hundreds of people from all over the world who "stalk" her site for the chance to hit an update once or twice a week just in case one of the colors I love will be available and won't jump out of my cart before I can buy it. Yes, that happens all the time and it's a nightmare for anyone who has had it happen to them. This addiction, and that's what it feels like, has you on a high from the moment the site goes gray and the In Stock page goes up with a list of available yarn, knowing that it will all be gone in about two minutes-TRUE- to when you purchase your yarn, to the wait for the delivery you have to sign for to receive, right through to the moment when you open the package to find a bag with knitting terms written in English and German, open the bag and find the little package of mini Gummi Bears Claudia & company puts in every order, an invoice written in German with the amount in Euros, and touch the yarn......and you find that you've been holding your breath as you let out a long sigh of happiness. That's some enabler, I've got to tell you. My Wollmeise is in a special container apart from all my other yarns, and there are no patterns stored with any of that yarn. It's just a lovely box of Wollmeise, and I'm very happy looking at it.

The Sanguine Gryphon is another enabler. Her Bugga! yarn (just to name one) is so popular she has decided to pull many of her colors and post just a few of them at a time so her server doesn't crash every time she puts up new stock. Definitely a sign of some really good yarn. Definitely an enabler. She very kindly puts a list on her blog to let us know what colors and types of yarns are going to be put up on what day and time. The thinking is that if it's not what you're looking for you won't have to visit and maybe buy...but I'm not sure if that really works. I love knowing what's going up and when since I have a wish list of yarns I want. I've even dragged my daughter into this by having her look at the list of what will be going up to see if there's anything there that she would want something made from. See, I'm really trying to be careful in this economy. I'm trying not to get everything I love, I'm checking in with my personal enabler, the one I make the most things for, to see if there's anything I really need. If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you. Because of knowing what is going up I've been able to get more skeins than I care to mention of yarns on my wish list that I probably wouldn't have gotten if it weren't for that enabling blog. I'd never guess to look at the site at the exact moment it goes up, and the yarns are gone in two minutes. True again.

Time is a tricky thing when it comes to the best yarn and fiber enablers. One of the best is the monthly Phat Fiber box. This is a box of fibers, yarns, patterns, stitch markers, soaps, lotions,etc. donated by various talented artists who give samples of their products to help fill this box of surprises. Box quantities are limited and there are hundreds of us "Phatties" who chat about it on Ravelry, stalk our emails for the drop date and time every month, and race to go through the process of getting a box for $33. These boxes are gone within a minute. Yes, many of us have timed it and it comes in under a minute - incredible! Once we have our boxes in hand we get to try various products and of course we love them, and the very generous enablers contributors give us discounts at their Etsy shops so we run over and buy more fiber and yarn from new enablers artists. We even trade with each other. If one of us got fiber and wanted yarn, and someone else wants to spin but got yarn, a match made in heaven is made with a simple trade. It's a beautiful system and a great group of people, contributors and members alike. I love this box, and the whole family is in it with me, asking if I got one and getting excited for me when it arrives. A great family activity if you ask me. This month, I'm giving someone else a chance to get a box. I'm sitting it out. I'm not even going to watch the drop as I may not be able to keep my resolve, so I'm busy blogging about it instead. So far, so good. But it's not easy.

I really am trying to remember that this is not the time to buy new yarn or fiber. The economy is horrible and I'm trying to make a bold move here and go on a yarn diet. Not trying to get a Phat Fiber box is a good first step. Not stalking Wollmeise is even better. I am waiting for the shipment from my last order though, so there is that... And I really got lucky with my last two Sanguine Gryphon updates and got wish listed yarns I'd been waiting for for six months. I'm good, I keep telling myself, for a good long while.

I'm thinking of starting to knit with my older stash yarn during these difficult times, and keeping my newly acquired precious yarns for emergency touching and holding when I feel my resolve melting away, which could be tomorrow. Maybe I'll take pictures of the Wollmeise and Bugga! from time to time and post that if I'm feeling weak. It could help. Well, it couldn't hurt to try.

It's about twelve hours since I started writing this. I decided to sleep since talking about the yarn was getting me thinking about sewing on the beads for the Martini Scarf I made for my daughter. Going to sleep seemed the safe way to go at the time. Now that I've finished writing, I'm going to sew on those beads and start the matching gloves, then finish some socks and start a new pair of socks for my son, and then.....maybe I'll go play with that Wollmeise. This may be harder than I thought.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

On The Niddy Noddy and other stuff

I've finished my first 2 oz batt from the Bohoknitterchic's All Hallows Eve SAL and it's now on the niddy noddy. I've decided to store it there since I couldn't decide if I should just keep going with my second batt or do two separate batts so I'd have a better idea of how many yards I had to work with when I was finished. I'm thinking of making a pair of fingerless gloves or mitts. If I can spin the next batt the same weight, I'll have two skeins of about the same amount of yarn so I'll have an idea of the size of the mitts I can make with one. I think I have about 100 yds give or take a couple yards from the 2 oz batt...not bad.
My creation

I was also looking at the Sanguine Gryphon's blog and the stunning outfits she makes. They're very like the ones you find in the Renaissance Faires my daughter and I love going to, only made in the most exquisite fabrics and with such talent sigh. She is one very gifted woman. It made me think of how I love my daughter in her Ren. Faire garb. I love watching her as she enjoys the day, the experience, the children, the pickles, and I love how she plops down at the end of the day, totally exhausted but happy.....
Renaissance Faire 07

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Back To Eddie

I know I blather on to everyone about all the running for charity that Eddie Izzard has done & how I'm taking my Darling Daughter to see him as part of her 24th birthday gift, and how we watch everything he's ever done, and somehow Eddie-isms just jump from our mouths at randon intervals making total sense to us but rendering entirely too many people speechless wondering what a Flag is, but here's the proof that the man actually does fabulous charity work as well as comedy....and don't be afraid to admit that you just thought I was being crazy with my Flag Ravatar & Eddie groups in Ravelry...we love him, his talent, his way of giving back to charities & now, even his feet.

And yes, of course he has a Flag....
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A whole bunch of them....why run all over the place & not have a bunch of Flags. Any number of things could come up...
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And he's gone to very confusing places in the name of charity...
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He loves animals, especialy small furry ones...

He has never complained....
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And he has being doing all this for a worthy cause (and 43- 30 mile a day marathons deserves donations)
Sport Relief...which you can see on their shirts and can still donate a few dollars to...after all he did all the running for us...

le sigh.
(You can click on the photos to see more of Eddie's marathon at Twitpic)
I'm so bummed that we missed him when he was in the city for the opening of his movie Believe: The Eddie Izzard Story, but if I could have walked, I'd have been there. I can't wait til January when we see him in his show in NYC. I'm already practicing to get in shape for the trip. I've been doing stretching, and walking, and moving around with my trusty rolling walker and ankle brace, using my SCS implant and trusty remote control zapper, and am now going to have to make yet another trip to the Dr to find out why all this is still causing me pain. I must be able to sit through an entire Eddie Izzard show without screaming out in pain! After all, if he can run 43 thirty mile marathons day after day, I must be able to see him in person without setting off alarms from having my SCS on too high.

Monday, October 19, 2009

And While We're On The Subject (or Don't Look At The Fiber Next To The Spindle)

I've been making some progress with the All Hallows Eve SAL with Bohoknitterchic's beautiful fiber. Everyone's giving me such great (if undeserved) feedback and it's helping me forge ahead with a vengeance. Here's where we play and look at all the beautiful spun art on Ravelry- And here is Bohoknitterchic's Etsy shop of fibery delights...and I mean the entire long drawn out addy .... . So there, now run over & knock yourselves out with her won't believe the things she can do with fiber. And if you manage to think of something that she hasn't, dream on... but where there's life, there's hope, so I guess it could happen, and if it does, you just have to tell her about what you have in mind & Ms. Magic Fingers Herself will make the colorway for you! Amazing!!! I love her to pieces!!

It's starting to look like spinning that is. The close-up on the top is a bit fuzzy but I was aiming for the sparkles and I'm just not great with the camera, as you already can tell. The oranges are deeper & really vibrant, the greens & purples like jewels and the black just brings out the colors brilliantly. So much for the photography.

I thought I was really moving along & had found a groove with my spinning. At one point I thought I'd either lost a whole piece of roving, or I was getting absolutely brilliant with my spinning, but I'd put my little piles of fiber right next to me and when I looked, there they were, so I thought "Whoa, I'm really getting good at this!"

I really should learn to trust my instincts more because when my husband came home he walked into the den by way of the living room and he was holding a long piece of roving stolen by Kitty and who knows what hiding place it was being pilfered to. That's a piece of it that I lay next to the spinning I did get done today in the photo on the bottom. I call it Exhibit A in case I have to take this to court to find any other pieces that she managed to get to her hideout. And she looked so innocent (I thinks she's teaching a course in looking innocent while ransacking a house of whatever you want...she doesn't get out so I'm sure it's an on line course at night while I'm sleeping & think the computer isn't being used...Google Cat Thief for more information).

So, I haven't actually spun as much as I'd imagined, and Kitty is getting even sneakier than I thought possible. I thought she was finished fooling with me for the day after literally falling asleep with her face on my wrist while I was knitting-see earlier blog entry-but no, she was just trying to lull me into a false sense of security while she plotted her next coup. I think purring is involved as a means of relaxing me into sleep while there is still fiber in my hands...that's just wicked. I've told her that I may have to report her to Ravelry and have Bob deal with her, she washed her face & groomed her long fluffy tail.

She's good. She's really good. She could get a job sniffing out expensive fiber...if only she'd give it to you when she found it. She's sooooo lucky we love her.

But I Have An Excuse ! ! !

There are days when I feel like I get nothing done. I know I think I'm working on something. I do my exercises for my back and legs - I remember the pain so I know I did them, but I look at my WIP and wonder how it's possible to have so many.
I do try to do a little spinning & knitting every day so I think I should be farther along than I am. So why am I still working on a pair of socks that have been on my needles for over a year. I just can't figure it out.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Yup, I've been busy... tired, but busy. I'm knitting the Martini Scarf for the KAL with The Knitter's Brewing Company for my daughter. Of course I missed the finish date, but the knitting goes on. I love the colorway! Cosmopolitan is a red, but not a bright red, more like a rusty red. It's described as a medium cranberry red with naturally occurring highlights-love that Sock-aholic Cosmo! I love it so much that I just added yet another thing to my knitting list for the holidays. I bought the kit for the Drinking Gloves in Cosmo since they were so cute I couldn't resist. I can only pray The Knitter's Brewing Co. doesn't come out with a matching hat, I'd be doomed.
Now, if I could only get the photos more thing to work on le sigh.

I've also been working on Bohoknitterchic's Spinalong for Halloween. She made the most beautiful fiber kit for the SAL. I love playing with it almost as much as I like spinning it. The spinning takes forever for me with that spindle, but it's a blast. And I love looking at all the unbelievable spinning being done by other spinners in the group
( who really know their stuff.....and even have wheels wish I had a wheel wish I had a wheel. I wish you could see how beautiful the colors really are, and how they sparkle....Yummy! Anyhow, I'm so far behind in this SAL that it may be next Halloween before I finish spinning & actually make something out of the fiber. The good news is that it'll be the first thing I've made with something I spun, and, I'll be early for a change!

I've still got to finish the socks I've been making for my sister for her birthday. It's been so long that I now owe her another pair for the last birthday. At least I've got the yarn & pattern for the next pair & I think she'll love it...I hope she does anyway...and this should go down in history for the socks that have taken me the longest to make. No photos here just in case she visits -she knows I'm making them but after all this time she at the very least deserves to be the first one to see them :-)

All this has started me thinking of all the WIP I still have to get to before the holidays. I have no time to write about them if I ever expect to get them done, and I'd better lay off Ravelry for a day or two so I can get some actual knitting time in. Rav is so addictive!!!! Back to knitting...

Thursday, September 17, 2009


My pirate name is:

Captain Bess Flint

Even though there's no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you're the one in charge. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!

Get your own pirate name from
part of the network

Friday, September 4, 2009

OMG SWEDISH YARN ! ! ! ! ! ! !

I’m beyond excited & had to share. My nephew(& Godson) and his lovely wife went to Sweden (home of my ancestors) and brought me back the most amazingly beautiful yarn so I had to share. I can’t read a word on the labels or on the website but I don’t care! It’s called Jarbo Garn(yarn-I got that), I’m guessing that the color is lovikka, & to show how chunky it is I stuck a chapstick in the photo (I’m just nice that way). I am so over the moon it’s nuts! Each is 100g=60m (I’m totally blank with metrics) and I have to come up with something extra special to make with them so I’m open to all suggestions. Oh, and I want the guy who’s knitting on the left side of their website-I called it first so he’s mine but you all can take a (there’s something very hot about a guy knitting, or maybe a Swedish guy knitting, or it could be just the guy…..)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Knitting Progress...what's that???

It seems that every time I get going with my knitting it sets off a silent alarm that only cats can hear. It's without fail that once I get into the actual knitting, (I'm fine if I only have a ball of yarn & needles in my hand), the cat must come and sit directly on the project in hand. That's a furry blob over 10 lbs. lounging on top of my WIP as well as the hands desperately holding onto the needles so I don't drop any stitches while she's there. This time I wiggled away and decided to do something other than knitting, something the cat wouldn't be interested in at all. I thought I'd make some changes in a sock pattern I was going to start.

So out came the Basic Sock Pattern I have typed up and ready and I began to make changes on a little notepad that was next to me on the sofa. This could work. It's knitting related so my brain was happy thinking knitty thoughts, but there was no yarn for Kitty to get the silent alarm to flatten me with her fluffiness. Now this could just be my cat, or maybe cats everywhere have an uncanny way of knowing when their world is out of kilter, because the next thing I knew there she was. And she decided to take a nap on the paperwork...or did she... I quickly noticed as I sat there burning up, that I was writing on a pretty incendiary pad if I were to think like a cat. Here's the picture of her sly little self letting me know that "I heart dogs" is totally unacceptable, even for number crunching a knitting pattern. I get the message Kitty & I apologize.

I'm now knitting away on the baby sweaters for the local hospital. They have to be made in acrylic yarn. Kitty has no interest in acrylic and will leave me and the yarn alone for as long as I'm working on it. Alpaca & cashmere is another story altogether. She's a real sneak thief when it comes to good fiber. If for nothing else, I've got to love her for her good taste.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Moonwood Farm MoonBeam Club Giveaway

I am so in love with everything in Moonwood Farm, especially Roo (and Serious, that handsome little boy). And now Roo is so generous, she has offered up a Moonbeam Club subscription for a lucky commenter! Just visit for details, stop at Moonwood Farms on Etsy & let them know what fiber you'd like to see in her MoonBeams Club.

What is so special about moonbeams? Well Roo, being the genius she is, has gone to the trouble of carding all of the pretty luxurious fibers together and then has separated the batt into one continuous coil. That means, it's even more ready to spin than a batt would be! It is as if you took some roving and predrafted all of it before spinning- only with this you wouldn't have to! Experience the pure joy of the twist without the prep. I'm all for that, since I love the spinning & always have issues with everything I have to do to get there.

So, stop at the Phatfiber site for the details and then run to the shop now! If you don't win, you can still get a subscription...if you're fast enough ;-)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

HELP NEEDED! ! ! A terrific opportunity for a Random Act of Kindness!

This is a copy of a request from a very deserving scenic artist. If you can help, please send her what you can, or let me know, & you can send it to me & I'll send it her way. I'm adding her original note so you have all the details. You can also look at this as a great way to clean up the neighborhood by carefully taking down from poles, posters from bands you don't even know with shows that are probably outdated. Or clean out your attic/basement of the old posters show posters you never got to toss-now's the time.
So, please , look around your home,work & play areas for show posters, graphic stickers etc., & take them down for a good cause. Thanks, I'm getting off my soap box now. Here's Lisa's letter-

lamp posts of philly
Originally uploaded by lepetitbleux

posters wanted!

Hey blog readers! I need your help.

Could you go out in the next few days and tear down some show posters, and mail them to me?

We're covering the gigantic walls of our upcoming show with this sort of thing, and we would like as many real posters as possible.

Also desirable, are graphic stickers, and other cool images on paper that are bold enough to "read" from twenty feet away. Random weird stuff on paper is good, too.

Artists, take your images and blow them up on the photocopier, and then mail them to me!

The same goes for you, letterboxers.

Please mail to:

Berkeley Repertory Scenic Studios
Lisa Lazar, Scenic Artist
2526 Wood Street
Oakland CA 94607

(We will be gluing everything to the walls, so please don't send me anything that you want back.)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Save The Ta-Tas


You can help those with breast cancer, survivors & their families by checking out this site & purchasing some "Save the Ta-tas"totes, tees, hoodies, key chains or making a donation outright.

The totes are the perfect size to put your knitting or spinning projects in, plus a book, a bottle of water and a smile knowing you did something to help a person in need. You can use it as a beach bag or a grocery bag. However you use it, you'll know others see it & may pick up one too and help the cause. Please visit the site and see others wearing their Save the ta-tas clothing line.

Where do you take your ta-tas?

Send in photos of you and your
friends wearing your
ta tas, and you
may find yourself on!

Send your pictures to - for a store location - for online shopping - for information on their mission statement &
ways to help

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Finish Line - Tour de Fleece 2009

I'm over the moon excited by my participation in the TdF. Thanks for all the help I've been given by so many people, and for the fact that, even with all the hiccups with my implant etc, I learned how to spin a little. I finished the roving from CJ at eXtreme Spinning & on the last day I even spun a mini batt from Desert Garden Farms-Baby's Breath (wish the angelina showed in the pix) and one from VINES-Pansies. I'm going to learn to ply with them, spin the undyed Shetland from CJ & ply that with the new purple,green & cream yarn I made from her fiber.This was the best experience & I look forward to joining again next year!

Oh, and I also learned how to post pictures to Ravelry and how to make my pictures into mosaics. You're looking at one I made for the TdF and actually altered to put here-I can't believe it myself, so those who know me probably think I have an elf helping! I also learned how to blog & send photos from flickr. I'm just amazing myself during this TdF. It's been a very broad learning experience for look out, I could get mosaic photo crazy & start posting pix of sidewalks, doorknobs...who knows!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Posting Pictures on Ravelry!!!

Thanks to the Ravelry group "A Spinners' Study" I finally learned how to post photos of my spinning & whatever else I want on any of the Ravelry sites. I am in photo heaven. I know I'll make all my fellow Ravelers & Tour de Fleece teammates nuts by forcing them to have my strange looking spun fiber pop up at them on their threads, but what the heck. I may have spinning that looks like a slug, or worm, or an anatomical part my daughter mentioned which, although totally accurate, I cannot repeat in polite company;and I am working on the assumption that all the other Ravelers I know are not in the gutter with my daughter and me. I could be wrong about this, but if I am, I expect to get comments here & not at the post site.

So, thank you Spinners' Study geniuses for finally getting me on the postings!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Moodwood Farm Giveaway

Well, this is a very special giveaway for me since I love everything that Roo makes at Moonwood Farm. To visit her shop again was just too much fun for a contest! Go take a look at her shop & see some of the amazing fibers she offers, the bamboo & milk fibers,as well as the carbonized bamboo, are so soft to the touch (I know, I've been lucky enough to have been given some) you'll have to go back for more. See her shop here:
Take another minute and visit her other shop PACOS for alpaca to die for (I have some of that too so I really know just how terrific her products are). You can find Pacos here:

Once you've bought out the two shops, so to and get details to enter the contest to win some of her yummy fiber!

Thanks ROO for a great giveaway!!

The Twice Sheared Sheep Giveaway

Twice Sheared Sheep specializes in luxury upcycled yarn. Phat Fiber is having a giveaway & Twice Sheared Sheep has donated some beautiful 85%silk, 15%cashmere lace weight yarn in denim. It's beautiful. I found a bunch of things I liked at her shop, especially the Flamingo Pink wool, cashmere, angora blend & the Caramel merino lace wt.
I had to buy the pattern for Twisted Sister Hat & Fingerless Gloves pattern for my daughter-it's perfect for her.
Check out her shop at
Check out details on the giveaway at

Serendipity Fiber Arts Giveaway

Serendipity Fiber Arts is giving away two dusty rose batts. Check out their shop at . My favorites are the Cloudy skies Punta wool roving & the Rhododendron milk fiber (love the pinks).
Go to for more details on the giveaway.

Tactile Fiber Arts Yarn Giveaway

Yummy yarns, patterns, spindles & wheels are all at Tactile Fiber Arts. Now they're giving away bamboo, nylon sock yarn in strawberry - so yummy! Visit their shop at and stop by for details on the giveaway!

Mad Angel Creations Yarn Giveaway

There is some beautiful yarns & fibers at Mad Angel Creations, and Paula is giving some scrumptious yarn away to some lucky visitor. Visit her site at and after picking out some of your favorite things, visit Phat Fiber at for details to win!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Living and Knitting on a Maine Island

Marissa over at Living and Knitting on a Maine Island has put together a huge prize pack for her knitterly blogging friends. And all knit bloggers are friends with each other, right? So get on over to her contest post to drool over the yarny prizes and pick one, two or even all four easy ways to get yourself entered!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hearts to CJ @ eXtreme Spinning

After dealing with my DROP CONSTANTLY spindle, I made me a little something, perhaps destined for my next spinning attempt, from CJ at eXtreme Spinning. It's undyed Shetland-a monster sample & it made me feel better to play with it . I <3 her shop.

I need a WHEEL ( The TdF teams may kick me off )

I've been trying to spin a little every day on my spindle. I've learned about what "drop" spindle really means, and kept trying. I learned about pre-drafting & pulled my fiber apart & couldn't get it back together even though the instructions and accompanying photos said I could & showed me how. I then read somewhere else not to pre-draft to the point where you don't have to draft while spinning -I'm trying that-getting lumpy yarn when before I was getting pretty happy about getting relatively thin, even yarn; my goal for the TdF. If I want very fine yarn that will ply (and I don't know how to do that yet either, so don't think that's not on my mind all the time) I'm thinking I have to start with thinner the time I pre-draft I can get thin yarn...drafting while spinning after that & I get 'dropped spindle'. I don't have a notch in the spindle I'm working on (had one in 1st spindle but it was heavy so I went for lighter wt for thin yarn) and it's a b**ch to get it going. I made a call for help to my spindle maker asking about how I could make a notch & not worry about the balance. Next step is making a notch & hoping I don't crack the thing,put the notch in the wrong place, or make it impossible for the fiber to move smoothly.

I've still got a bunch of physical restrictions so I can't do much standing since it makes me raise my arms & I'm not allowed to do that yet. I work on it in a park & spin way when I can sit...and that's not too long either. I've tried doing it when I lay down, but that's just a hoot, so I can only do sock knitting then.

Nothing else could go wrong with my new spinning obsession, or so I thought. My latest misadventure is soooo unbelievable I had to turn to my Ravelry buddies for an answer - which, so far, I don't have. The fiber I've already spun into something resembling yarn for my Tour de Fleece groups has run amuck. I was happily spinning & during breaks I'd go to the TdF groups & look at the spindle spun yarns still on the spindle for the TdF. I'm trying to imitate how they get most of the yarn at the top & work down-it looks like a pretty triangle of yarn on a stick. I tried to focus on winding my finished yarn closer to the top but I guess it was too little too late :-( My yarn slid off the bottom of the spindle & looks like a fat slug or worm on a stake. I am not kidding here I promise you. But just in case, I've embarrassed myself even more by taking photos of my slug/worm & posting them. It may not be what my TdF teammates had hoped for, I sure didn't want it, but everyone deserves a good laugh!

I'm thinking that I'm going to use this mishap to prove to my family members that I do indeed need a Spinning Wheel For Christmas. I've been shopping around on line-there's nothing anywhere near me selling them & no spinning/fiber groups- and I'm looking seriously at the SpinOlutions. We'll see, but putting photos of this mess around the house may get everyone here thinking seriously about my needing a wheel - this has to be painful for them to watch. I'm counting on it.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Thank you everyone on the Phat Lovin' Posse-you know who you are-I wish I did so I could thank each of you personally! You brightened my day, and I can't wait to get started using the fiber & stunning yarn! Special thanks to those I know who were very involved- CJ from eXtreme Spinning and Jessie from Phat Fiber, you both are an inspiration!


I'm so bad at keeping up with the blogging so, as I'm sure you've already noticed I posted everything today in segments, just to annoy anyone looking for the most recent of events. I'm sure it wasn't because I know nothing about arranging pictures on a blog or getting the words to go where I want them. And how is it that it feels like everyone else was born with this ability?
At least I have my eXtreme Spinning fiber, my goodness gracious bag, my spindles & the Tour to keep me occupied with fun stuff.
Ah, one day I'll get this computer stuff down pat. Til then I'm just going to be Nemo-just keep spinning, just keep spinning.....


DAY 4 of the Tour de Fleece & I spun all day. I did a lot but I'm sure to pay for it tomorrow. I'm using fiber from CJ at eXtreme Spinning. I love the colorway. Thank you CJ!


These are shots of Day 7 of the Tour de Fleece. I'm using fiber from eXtreme Spinning for good luck-she's my Yoda in the spinning world. I was aiming for even spinning & I want to spin thin yarn so it's just a bit frustrating at times. If any of you have good ideas for spinning while laying in bed I need to hear them!
Check out my perfect spindle & fiber holder- a terrific bag from the May Phat Fiber Box-a contribution from Grace at 'goodness gracious' on Etsy. Go check out her shop.


Today was so nice I took my work outside for a bit & tried to get some pix that might actually show the progress I've made. Hard to tell that it's fatter than before & I'm spinning pretty evenly & thin-ish. Earlier I learned about what a DROP spindle really meant. It happened 4 times in a row & I took it as an omen that it was time to give it a rest - me too.


Today I learned exactly what DROP spindle means - and Kitty was there to make a grab for the fiber! She usually does the grab & run when it comes to good fibers, totally ignores acrylic (good Kitty, I think)and grabs onto the cashmere for life. Now I hide all the good stuff in my room & she's banned. So me spinning on the main floor was a dream for her....almost... mwahahaha!
I'm spinning with eXtreme Spinning fiber & I love it!

Kitty thinking better of grab & run with the fleece idea.

Silver Sun Alpacas Giveaway!

Stop by Ravelry's own Phatfiber.blogspot for details on an incredible giveaway from Silver Sun Alpacas - a 3 month batt club subscription. I'm thinking it doesn't get much better than this & I love her fibers, especially the white bamboo top I've yet to spin but love to touch. I have her spindles & they're great-spinning on one now for the Tour de Fleece! Stop by her shop & see what you fall in love with.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Smoky Mountains Fiber Giveaway

Visit Phat Fiber at for details. This shop has some beautiful fiber & yarn as well as some patterns. I'm so loving turquoise & she's got that so she's got my vote. Visit & see what you love.

YUP It was girls night out with AEROSMITH again

My photos are on facebook for all you buddies of mine. Below this is the link to the better stuff they took. It was great. We missed Brad but loved every bit of the show. The set was amazing, as were the Toxic Twins. And nothing beats time with my girl!

Aerosmith Photos | Public Photo Galleries | Mohegan Sun - Uncasville, CT

Aerosmith Photos | Public Photo Galleries | Mohegan Sun - Uncasville, CT

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Friday, July 3, 2009

Phat Fiber Giveaway with Desired Haven Farm Wool and Fiber

Desired Haven Farm Wool and Fiber is having a giveaway of a stunning batt. Check out Phat Fiber site on Ravelry for more details.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It's a Colorful Life Giveaway at Phat Fiber

Beautiful Easter Egg handspun is being given to one lucky person! The shop is adorable & I love the colorways she uses.

Knit Witch and a Giveaway!

Thanks to Darcy at Knotty Knitter I have yet another terrific shop to enable my fiber addiction. Better yet, this shop has EVERYTHING! had me at hello when I saw her yarn bowls. I'm also in love with her yarns, especially her fingering weight Alpaca, and a beautiful sock yarn I'm not telling you about because I know you'll run over & get it as soon as I post it & I want it! Knit Witch also has a Lotion Potion in my favorite scent-lavender. So you see, there's alot there to make me happy.
The bonus here is that she's having a GiveAway!!! Stop by for more details.
Happy shopping!

Ruddawg KIP giveaway

Ruddawg is giving away some beautiful KIP bags. I've got 2 already & would love more! Check out Phat Fiber for all the details!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Tour de Fleece...the fiber hunt begins

I've never done it before but I'm about to start now. Take your mind out of the gutter and go hunt down some great's time to SPIN !!!

Spinning is so new to me I'm lucky I know what fiber is. I'm still learning that different sheep have extremely different kinds of fleece, different lengths, some better than others for specific end products. And all this time I thought wool was wool. It's so not.
I'm now in love with Alpaca. Aside from a stunning little cria (baby-another new thing for me) named Serious from Moonwood Farm, I never gave the fiber a thought before. I was given a beautiful poncho made by women in Peru and never gave the fiber & how it was made a thought. Now I go look at it in wonder and appreciate the gift even more than I did before. I've learned that there is stuff called Angelina that makes stuff sparkle in a nice way, but I admit that I still don't know what it is. I'm learning about things like milk fiber,and the latest, white bamboo top. The bamboo top was a sample gift from Silver Sun Alpacas, and when I first touched it I thought "this must be what angel wings are made of, or what clouds must feel like". I keep it next to me & it makes me smile when I look at it. I love bamboo. I planted several varieties all over my property when I first moved here to act as a buffer on one side-nobody was going to come walking across the property thinking it was a little forest-not when my babies were in the yard. I liked that it stayed green in the winter & waved in the wind, and made snow even more beautiful. Now I find it's being used as a fiber. I can't cut one of these things down without a buzz saw so I found that interesting. I figured, hey, if you just have to chop it down & throw it in a pot, I could make it. Wouldn't you know, someone on Ravelry actually knew all the intricacies that went into making bamboo into usable fiber. Needless to say, I won't be making it, but when I'm a better spinner, I will be buying it.
So now I'm about to begin my first Tour de Fleece. I'm seeing people showing stunning fibers & saying things like I'll be spinning 48,629 yards of lace yarn, or I've got 6 sheep sheered just for this occasion and I'm spinning all of it. I'm feeling good that I'm not knocked out by what they can do. My goal is to spin as much as I can evenly. That's a huge goal for me & I'm happy with it. I may never get to plying any of what I spin, but hopefully, I'll have a nice little mound of evenly spun fiber. Then I'm going to decide what I'm going to be able to make with it. In the meantime, I'm going to rest up, maybe knit on some socks that have been waiting for me for awhile, and play with all the fiber I'll soon be spinning. Evenly. Then I'm going back to ---

“There’s an on switch on the printer, is there? There’s always something you haven’t done.”

“Tea and cake or death!”
“You said death first, death first!”

“I like my women like I like my coffee….covered in bees.”

Gotta love Eddie-even in the middle of the Tour de Fleece! Good luck to everyone on the Tour!

Friday, June 26, 2009


This shop has some of the most stunning spindles I've ever seen. I've been lurking & drooling for some time now & as fate would have it, Phat Fiber is having a giveaway of one of her spindles. She also has some fabulous fibers, my fav being NIGHT TIME BERRY PICKING. Stop by her shop on Etsy-Zebsis Designs & see what calls to you.


Run to Strike my fancy for beautiful yarns. Her upscaled yarns are not to be believed!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Yarns, stitch markers & patterns for JUNE swap

These are some of the items I have from previous boxes that I'd like to trade for fluff! If anyone's interested, please PM me on Rav (mamakin) or leave a comment here. Thanks! Happy Swapping!

Friday, May 29, 2009


If you haven't been there yet, it's time for a visit. This shop carries a variety of great products that include items for baby & Mom. I particularly like their selection of Hemp products, which include wash cloths, hand towels & clothing. Hemp clothing wears like iron & feels softer & softer with age. They're having a Giveaway of a Fiona Tote-Foliage but you've got to hurry & get your entry in NOW or you'll miss it. Go to then the blog for entry details.If you're too late, go anyway and check out the shop!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


My Phat Fiber Box arrived yesterday, my son's birthday, so I put it next to the bed and decided that since the day was his, and this has become a family thing (everyone's excited for me when I get a box), I'd wait til today to open the box. I'm so glad I waited because my screaming over fiber would not have been cool on his day. I can't begin to thank all the vendors who contribute to this box every month. And of course Jessie & Marcus who work so hard to put it together & get it out even through their own emergencies.

My mouth is still hanging open after gazing at everything in my box. Everything's beautiful & delicious to touch & look at. I need to get better at learning to post so I can get these on our Rav page-I'll keep trying- but for now, here's what I got.

I have a MONSTER BATT of Sea Rose from EXTREME SPINNING!!!!!!! It's merino,sea cell,firestar & angelina. It looks like a bouquet of roses & is so soft I just keep rubbing it on my face & smiling. Thanks for donating such a beautiful fiber CJ, you know how I love your work so this surprise is even more special to me. I also was surprised by finding in my perfectly sized for travel needles & notions keeper from PHAT FIBER (where do you find the time?) a HAND FELTED & BEADED BUNCH OF GRAPES from MY FAIR BAG LADY! It came with a note saying it was the only sample she was sending, so as her new representative, let me say, this is a piece of art. It's stunning & I can't imagine the amount of work this took to make. I took a close up photo of it but it doesn't do it justice, so please stop by her shop & check it out. Now I'll try to describe everything in the pictures going Left to Right, Top to Bottom.

H.A.Y.Hampton Artistic Yarns -"Salvia" 100% BFL wool (looks just like the flower!); VINES "Pansies"mini batt, wool & bamboo;EXTREME SPINING-sneak peak of Sea Roses;in the plastic package-WC MERCANTILE-flowers & showers merino roving;TACTILE-2 samples,the one on the left of the label is shades of blue into pink, and the one coming out on the right is a subtle blend of muted green with yellow - a regular garden! Just below that is my bunch of felted, beaded grapes on top of my GOODNESS GRACIOUS pink bag (which is now holding my spindle & some fiber). On the bottom is a mini batt that my camera once again doesn't do justice to. It's from BEESYBEE and it's Wensleydale wool, local mohair,suri alpaca & angelina in a deep lilac with pale green & peeks of purple & green angelina - breathtaking.

Top left is TACTILE,MY FAIR BAG LADY & GOODNESS GRACIOUS which you've seen above, so I'm starting with the yellow on top. This is merino/mohair blend,new growth from INFINITY YARN AND FIBER, it's shades of yellow with a touch of light orange and pale green. It makes me think of daffodils. Lovely. Just above it from THE YARN SIDE is a sample of baby alpaca merino in a color that makes me think of robin's eggs. DESERT GARDEN FARMS -"Baby's Breath", merino/corriedale/rambo cross & angelina blend carded mini batt; pale pink,beige & sparkles, yum. The blue is from MAUDE & ME-"Wellington's Wednesdays", 100%new zealand merino, hand dyed & in colors ranging from almost midnight blue to aqua to white. And at the bottom in all its 'sproingish' glory is BOHEMIAN KNITTER CHIC's Romney Locks in beautiful bright colors. I'd never seen this before-neither had anyone else in the house- so this was a particular delight. I opened it and played with it and it now resembles some kind of colorful sea anemone. I love it.

You've seen everything here except for the top right. The package on the left is from URBAN FAUNA STUDIO & is a mini corrie wool sampler with instructions on her blog on how to turn them into fun felt beads - nice! To the right of that in a pretty white bag is SILVER SUN ALPACAS-100% alpaca fiber from their personal herd in colors that are cream, deepest black & chocolate brown, just beautiful. Below that -ALL TWISTED UP -"Neon Twist" a hand dyed mohair & wool braid in black with fibers in greens, yellows and pinks

And here's what I missed somehow in the other photos. Top left, to the left of the rose bush in the center from EXTREME SPINNING is a terrific half oz. batt of silk noil and corriedale from the always generous GIFFORDABLES. It's from their Country Cottage Collection & is called Stepping Stones. It's so unique & could see a happy Buddha sitting on it. Above that is 7 YAKS DESIGN 100% cashmere fiber ( I heard someone say it's noil - I have to learn about this, but it's the softest thing imaginable & in the hottest pink - I'm in love!

MY FAIR BAG LADY-felted & beaded grapes. Can you see the vines & leaves? It's stunning!

My needles & notions keeper from PHAT FIBER is the base for all my discount cards, patterns and stitch markers. Included are GIRL ON THE ROCKS yo & ssk st. markers (too cute), VBARTON24.etsy-st. marker & free gift w/order; pattern postcard(how clever is that)for Garden Bracelet from KATHERINE VAUGHAN DESIGNS; Cloud Pattern from SUNNIEFAIRY.etsy; GREENWOOD FIBERWORKS - bookmark with hand painted yarn tassel & coupon;and discount coupons from H.A.Y.; SILVER SUN ALPACAS; CARLYORIGINAL.etsy; FIBER GIFT TAGS; DESERT GARDEN FARMS; KNIT IT UP; PLATFORMNINE DESIGNS; MOONLIGHT AND LAUGHTER; THE YARN SIDE; SUMMERSSTUDIOETC.etsy; and SERENDIPITY

yes, here it is...EXTREME SPINNING's Sea Roses. If you didn't get a sample of this, RUN, DON'T WALK, to her shop because I've run out of adjectives to tell you how amazing it is.

Thanks again to all the contributors, & to everyone who had to deal with the trip here for the pictures, I promise to keep trying to figure out this computer stuff.....just after I spin a little bit more ;-)