Saturday, May 30, 2009

Phat Fiber Sample Box: Twisted Fiber and *giveaway*

Phat Fiber Sample Box: Twisted Fiber and *giveaway*


you think you can knit

Friday, May 29, 2009


If you haven't been there yet, it's time for a visit. This shop carries a variety of great products that include items for baby & Mom. I particularly like their selection of Hemp products, which include wash cloths, hand towels & clothing. Hemp clothing wears like iron & feels softer & softer with age. They're having a Giveaway of a Fiona Tote-Foliage but you've got to hurry & get your entry in NOW or you'll miss it. Go to then the blog for entry details.If you're too late, go anyway and check out the shop!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


My Phat Fiber Box arrived yesterday, my son's birthday, so I put it next to the bed and decided that since the day was his, and this has become a family thing (everyone's excited for me when I get a box), I'd wait til today to open the box. I'm so glad I waited because my screaming over fiber would not have been cool on his day. I can't begin to thank all the vendors who contribute to this box every month. And of course Jessie & Marcus who work so hard to put it together & get it out even through their own emergencies.

My mouth is still hanging open after gazing at everything in my box. Everything's beautiful & delicious to touch & look at. I need to get better at learning to post so I can get these on our Rav page-I'll keep trying- but for now, here's what I got.

I have a MONSTER BATT of Sea Rose from EXTREME SPINNING!!!!!!! It's merino,sea cell,firestar & angelina. It looks like a bouquet of roses & is so soft I just keep rubbing it on my face & smiling. Thanks for donating such a beautiful fiber CJ, you know how I love your work so this surprise is even more special to me. I also was surprised by finding in my perfectly sized for travel needles & notions keeper from PHAT FIBER (where do you find the time?) a HAND FELTED & BEADED BUNCH OF GRAPES from MY FAIR BAG LADY! It came with a note saying it was the only sample she was sending, so as her new representative, let me say, this is a piece of art. It's stunning & I can't imagine the amount of work this took to make. I took a close up photo of it but it doesn't do it justice, so please stop by her shop & check it out. Now I'll try to describe everything in the pictures going Left to Right, Top to Bottom.

H.A.Y.Hampton Artistic Yarns -"Salvia" 100% BFL wool (looks just like the flower!); VINES "Pansies"mini batt, wool & bamboo;EXTREME SPINING-sneak peak of Sea Roses;in the plastic package-WC MERCANTILE-flowers & showers merino roving;TACTILE-2 samples,the one on the left of the label is shades of blue into pink, and the one coming out on the right is a subtle blend of muted green with yellow - a regular garden! Just below that is my bunch of felted, beaded grapes on top of my GOODNESS GRACIOUS pink bag (which is now holding my spindle & some fiber). On the bottom is a mini batt that my camera once again doesn't do justice to. It's from BEESYBEE and it's Wensleydale wool, local mohair,suri alpaca & angelina in a deep lilac with pale green & peeks of purple & green angelina - breathtaking.

Top left is TACTILE,MY FAIR BAG LADY & GOODNESS GRACIOUS which you've seen above, so I'm starting with the yellow on top. This is merino/mohair blend,new growth from INFINITY YARN AND FIBER, it's shades of yellow with a touch of light orange and pale green. It makes me think of daffodils. Lovely. Just above it from THE YARN SIDE is a sample of baby alpaca merino in a color that makes me think of robin's eggs. DESERT GARDEN FARMS -"Baby's Breath", merino/corriedale/rambo cross & angelina blend carded mini batt; pale pink,beige & sparkles, yum. The blue is from MAUDE & ME-"Wellington's Wednesdays", 100%new zealand merino, hand dyed & in colors ranging from almost midnight blue to aqua to white. And at the bottom in all its 'sproingish' glory is BOHEMIAN KNITTER CHIC's Romney Locks in beautiful bright colors. I'd never seen this before-neither had anyone else in the house- so this was a particular delight. I opened it and played with it and it now resembles some kind of colorful sea anemone. I love it.

You've seen everything here except for the top right. The package on the left is from URBAN FAUNA STUDIO & is a mini corrie wool sampler with instructions on her blog on how to turn them into fun felt beads - nice! To the right of that in a pretty white bag is SILVER SUN ALPACAS-100% alpaca fiber from their personal herd in colors that are cream, deepest black & chocolate brown, just beautiful. Below that -ALL TWISTED UP -"Neon Twist" a hand dyed mohair & wool braid in black with fibers in greens, yellows and pinks

And here's what I missed somehow in the other photos. Top left, to the left of the rose bush in the center from EXTREME SPINNING is a terrific half oz. batt of silk noil and corriedale from the always generous GIFFORDABLES. It's from their Country Cottage Collection & is called Stepping Stones. It's so unique & could see a happy Buddha sitting on it. Above that is 7 YAKS DESIGN 100% cashmere fiber ( I heard someone say it's noil - I have to learn about this, but it's the softest thing imaginable & in the hottest pink - I'm in love!

MY FAIR BAG LADY-felted & beaded grapes. Can you see the vines & leaves? It's stunning!

My needles & notions keeper from PHAT FIBER is the base for all my discount cards, patterns and stitch markers. Included are GIRL ON THE ROCKS yo & ssk st. markers (too cute), VBARTON24.etsy-st. marker & free gift w/order; pattern postcard(how clever is that)for Garden Bracelet from KATHERINE VAUGHAN DESIGNS; Cloud Pattern from SUNNIEFAIRY.etsy; GREENWOOD FIBERWORKS - bookmark with hand painted yarn tassel & coupon;and discount coupons from H.A.Y.; SILVER SUN ALPACAS; CARLYORIGINAL.etsy; FIBER GIFT TAGS; DESERT GARDEN FARMS; KNIT IT UP; PLATFORMNINE DESIGNS; MOONLIGHT AND LAUGHTER; THE YARN SIDE; SUMMERSSTUDIOETC.etsy; and SERENDIPITY

yes, here it is...EXTREME SPINNING's Sea Roses. If you didn't get a sample of this, RUN, DON'T WALK, to her shop because I've run out of adjectives to tell you how amazing it is.

Thanks again to all the contributors, & to everyone who had to deal with the trip here for the pictures, I promise to keep trying to figure out this computer stuff.....just after I spin a little bit more ;-)

It Doesn't Get Better Than ExtremeSpinning!...or... I LOVE YODA

Extreme Spinning is my go-to place for all things fiber, including instruction & ego support. I'm posting some of her fiberlicious masterpieces because I just can't help myself anymore! Part of my problem here is that I got the biggest batt of her Sea Roses in my May Phat Fiber Box. WooHoo!!! It's merino, sea cell, firestar and angelina -there are no words!!! On top of that, I bought some stunning yarn from her shop with my discount from last month. It's shades of rose in baby alpaca, silk and cashmere. Unbelievable. What knocked me off the edge is the unbelievably beautiful fiber she sends me to "practice on"...I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy. Thus, this blog entry. CJ the pictures of my "spinning" are to honor the continued help from Yoda. It's not bad, right? I'm so proud of it & it wouldn't have happened if not for you. Thanks Yoda!!

The two batts in the back are called Strawberry Frosted Donuts & I only wish this photo could do it justice; the subtle shadings & sparkles are a delight. I bought them & was putting it away to use when I knew what I was doing. Yoda (CJ) said learn on good products & don't be afraid. She sent a thank you fiber gift and extra beautiful fiber to get started. Below the strawberries is a get started kit I bought from her that came with the spindle, there's a wonderfully shaded dark green fiber on the very bottom of the pix - but take a look at the lavender,cream, green swirl of deliciousness on the left *sigh*

You are looking at all the incentives to practice that I've received from EXTREME SPINNING. I still can't get over it. Who does things like this for people?? Oh, right, CJ does! And look everyone...I AM SPINNING!! That's me spinning my gift from EXTREME SPINNING, I love those colors. They remind me of the lilacs in my yard. And the yellow,blue and cream are my daffodils and grape hyacynths in the part of my garden I can't walk to yet. Notice the dark purple braid,yup, came in a cute bag with one of my purchases. Amazing.

More beautiful samples

A closer look at part of my getting started kit with spindle. I think you can see some of the sparkling goodness. Those colors are yummy and it's sooooo soft it even has my son impressed.

Here's the whole kit. The green didn't come out well. I wish I were better at this so I could do it justice. It's well worth picking up a kit at EXTREME SPINNING, you couldn't even get the spindle for the price of the entire package & as new as I am I've learned you can never have enough spindles.

This is my beautiful shaded rose yarn in baby alpaca, silk & cashmere. Again, the color is way prettier in real life. It's soft & squishy & yummy & WILL become the first thing I make for me.

This is for you CJ! All your help & support & yummy fibers and look what I've done already! I'm taking this one with me to the hospital - hoping I'll be up to spin (with my luck I'll probably get an IV line mixed in it) ;-) I'm making thin strips and doing the baggie thing so I'll be ready.

There it is again...I know it's the same thing, but I really am proud. Did I mention all the fiber & the spindle came from CJ at EXTREME SPINNING?????

And this...DRUM ROLL... This is what I found in my MAY PHAT FIBER BOX!!!! It's enough to make a grown woman faint from happiness! Merino, sea cell, firestar,& angelina. SEA ROSES. A perfect name for a perfect fiber. It's like a rose garden in my room. STUNNING isn't even a good enough word to describe it.

Thank you so much CJ (Yoda). If I ever learn to post from here to our Rav site, it's going to be there. In the meantime I spin whenever I can. I'm slow but happy. Thanks again!


When I was young it seemed like I was always waiting for something;
a birthday, a holiday, a party,something. And the waiting seemed
forever. I got older and time seemed to go by so quickly and before I
turned around Halloween was Christmas, my birthday, Easter two weeks later & every six weeks was a party-at my house. Once my children arrived things went even faster, for example my son was a little guy nursing yesterday and today is his 20th birthday...that just can't be right. But I guess it is since somehow my daughter is 23 and has stolen all my clothes. I'm good with all these changes, or at least I used to be, and then I got hooked on the Phat Fiber Box. Now every month I wait to see when the boxes will go online. Then It seems like forever til the day comes. I hover over this machine, practicing my refresh button, and then it's there & GONE all within a minute. Sometimes I manage to get one, and the waiting begins for it to arrive. When I don't get one, the wait begins for the next month. I like the waiting a whole lot more when I get a box. I GOT A MAY SPINNING BOX....I hate waiting.