Wednesday, October 21, 2009

On The Niddy Noddy and other stuff

I've finished my first 2 oz batt from the Bohoknitterchic's All Hallows Eve SAL and it's now on the niddy noddy. I've decided to store it there since I couldn't decide if I should just keep going with my second batt or do two separate batts so I'd have a better idea of how many yards I had to work with when I was finished. I'm thinking of making a pair of fingerless gloves or mitts. If I can spin the next batt the same weight, I'll have two skeins of about the same amount of yarn so I'll have an idea of the size of the mitts I can make with one. I think I have about 100 yds give or take a couple yards from the 2 oz batt...not bad.
My creation

I was also looking at the Sanguine Gryphon's blog and the stunning outfits she makes. They're very like the ones you find in the Renaissance Faires my daughter and I love going to, only made in the most exquisite fabrics and with such talent sigh. She is one very gifted woman. It made me think of how I love my daughter in her Ren. Faire garb. I love watching her as she enjoys the day, the experience, the children, the pickles, and I love how she plops down at the end of the day, totally exhausted but happy.....
Renaissance Faire 07

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Back To Eddie

I know I blather on to everyone about all the running for charity that Eddie Izzard has done & how I'm taking my Darling Daughter to see him as part of her 24th birthday gift, and how we watch everything he's ever done, and somehow Eddie-isms just jump from our mouths at randon intervals making total sense to us but rendering entirely too many people speechless wondering what a Flag is, but here's the proof that the man actually does fabulous charity work as well as comedy....and don't be afraid to admit that you just thought I was being crazy with my Flag Ravatar & Eddie groups in Ravelry...we love him, his talent, his way of giving back to charities & now, even his feet.

And yes, of course he has a Flag....
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A whole bunch of them....why run all over the place & not have a bunch of Flags. Any number of things could come up...
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And he's gone to very confusing places in the name of charity...
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He loves animals, especialy small furry ones...

He has never complained....
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And he has being doing all this for a worthy cause (and 43- 30 mile a day marathons deserves donations)
Sport Relief...which you can see on their shirts and can still donate a few dollars to...after all he did all the running for us...

le sigh.
(You can click on the photos to see more of Eddie's marathon at Twitpic)
I'm so bummed that we missed him when he was in the city for the opening of his movie Believe: The Eddie Izzard Story, but if I could have walked, I'd have been there. I can't wait til January when we see him in his show in NYC. I'm already practicing to get in shape for the trip. I've been doing stretching, and walking, and moving around with my trusty rolling walker and ankle brace, using my SCS implant and trusty remote control zapper, and am now going to have to make yet another trip to the Dr to find out why all this is still causing me pain. I must be able to sit through an entire Eddie Izzard show without screaming out in pain! After all, if he can run 43 thirty mile marathons day after day, I must be able to see him in person without setting off alarms from having my SCS on too high.

Monday, October 19, 2009

And While We're On The Subject (or Don't Look At The Fiber Next To The Spindle)

I've been making some progress with the All Hallows Eve SAL with Bohoknitterchic's beautiful fiber. Everyone's giving me such great (if undeserved) feedback and it's helping me forge ahead with a vengeance. Here's where we play and look at all the beautiful spun art on Ravelry- And here is Bohoknitterchic's Etsy shop of fibery delights...and I mean the entire long drawn out addy .... . So there, now run over & knock yourselves out with her won't believe the things she can do with fiber. And if you manage to think of something that she hasn't, dream on... but where there's life, there's hope, so I guess it could happen, and if it does, you just have to tell her about what you have in mind & Ms. Magic Fingers Herself will make the colorway for you! Amazing!!! I love her to pieces!!

It's starting to look like spinning that is. The close-up on the top is a bit fuzzy but I was aiming for the sparkles and I'm just not great with the camera, as you already can tell. The oranges are deeper & really vibrant, the greens & purples like jewels and the black just brings out the colors brilliantly. So much for the photography.

I thought I was really moving along & had found a groove with my spinning. At one point I thought I'd either lost a whole piece of roving, or I was getting absolutely brilliant with my spinning, but I'd put my little piles of fiber right next to me and when I looked, there they were, so I thought "Whoa, I'm really getting good at this!"

I really should learn to trust my instincts more because when my husband came home he walked into the den by way of the living room and he was holding a long piece of roving stolen by Kitty and who knows what hiding place it was being pilfered to. That's a piece of it that I lay next to the spinning I did get done today in the photo on the bottom. I call it Exhibit A in case I have to take this to court to find any other pieces that she managed to get to her hideout. And she looked so innocent (I thinks she's teaching a course in looking innocent while ransacking a house of whatever you want...she doesn't get out so I'm sure it's an on line course at night while I'm sleeping & think the computer isn't being used...Google Cat Thief for more information).

So, I haven't actually spun as much as I'd imagined, and Kitty is getting even sneakier than I thought possible. I thought she was finished fooling with me for the day after literally falling asleep with her face on my wrist while I was knitting-see earlier blog entry-but no, she was just trying to lull me into a false sense of security while she plotted her next coup. I think purring is involved as a means of relaxing me into sleep while there is still fiber in my hands...that's just wicked. I've told her that I may have to report her to Ravelry and have Bob deal with her, she washed her face & groomed her long fluffy tail.

She's good. She's really good. She could get a job sniffing out expensive fiber...if only she'd give it to you when she found it. She's sooooo lucky we love her.

But I Have An Excuse ! ! !

There are days when I feel like I get nothing done. I know I think I'm working on something. I do my exercises for my back and legs - I remember the pain so I know I did them, but I look at my WIP and wonder how it's possible to have so many.
I do try to do a little spinning & knitting every day so I think I should be farther along than I am. So why am I still working on a pair of socks that have been on my needles for over a year. I just can't figure it out.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Yup, I've been busy... tired, but busy. I'm knitting the Martini Scarf for the KAL with The Knitter's Brewing Company for my daughter. Of course I missed the finish date, but the knitting goes on. I love the colorway! Cosmopolitan is a red, but not a bright red, more like a rusty red. It's described as a medium cranberry red with naturally occurring highlights-love that Sock-aholic Cosmo! I love it so much that I just added yet another thing to my knitting list for the holidays. I bought the kit for the Drinking Gloves in Cosmo since they were so cute I couldn't resist. I can only pray The Knitter's Brewing Co. doesn't come out with a matching hat, I'd be doomed.
Now, if I could only get the photos more thing to work on le sigh.

I've also been working on Bohoknitterchic's Spinalong for Halloween. She made the most beautiful fiber kit for the SAL. I love playing with it almost as much as I like spinning it. The spinning takes forever for me with that spindle, but it's a blast. And I love looking at all the unbelievable spinning being done by other spinners in the group
( who really know their stuff.....and even have wheels wish I had a wheel wish I had a wheel. I wish you could see how beautiful the colors really are, and how they sparkle....Yummy! Anyhow, I'm so far behind in this SAL that it may be next Halloween before I finish spinning & actually make something out of the fiber. The good news is that it'll be the first thing I've made with something I spun, and, I'll be early for a change!

I've still got to finish the socks I've been making for my sister for her birthday. It's been so long that I now owe her another pair for the last birthday. At least I've got the yarn & pattern for the next pair & I think she'll love it...I hope she does anyway...and this should go down in history for the socks that have taken me the longest to make. No photos here just in case she visits -she knows I'm making them but after all this time she at the very least deserves to be the first one to see them :-)

All this has started me thinking of all the WIP I still have to get to before the holidays. I have no time to write about them if I ever expect to get them done, and I'd better lay off Ravelry for a day or two so I can get some actual knitting time in. Rav is so addictive!!!! Back to knitting...