Monday, October 19, 2009

And While We're On The Subject (or Don't Look At The Fiber Next To The Spindle)

I've been making some progress with the All Hallows Eve SAL with Bohoknitterchic's beautiful fiber. Everyone's giving me such great (if undeserved) feedback and it's helping me forge ahead with a vengeance. Here's where we play and look at all the beautiful spun art on Ravelry- And here is Bohoknitterchic's Etsy shop of fibery delights...and I mean the entire long drawn out addy .... . So there, now run over & knock yourselves out with her won't believe the things she can do with fiber. And if you manage to think of something that she hasn't, dream on... but where there's life, there's hope, so I guess it could happen, and if it does, you just have to tell her about what you have in mind & Ms. Magic Fingers Herself will make the colorway for you! Amazing!!! I love her to pieces!!

It's starting to look like spinning that is. The close-up on the top is a bit fuzzy but I was aiming for the sparkles and I'm just not great with the camera, as you already can tell. The oranges are deeper & really vibrant, the greens & purples like jewels and the black just brings out the colors brilliantly. So much for the photography.

I thought I was really moving along & had found a groove with my spinning. At one point I thought I'd either lost a whole piece of roving, or I was getting absolutely brilliant with my spinning, but I'd put my little piles of fiber right next to me and when I looked, there they were, so I thought "Whoa, I'm really getting good at this!"

I really should learn to trust my instincts more because when my husband came home he walked into the den by way of the living room and he was holding a long piece of roving stolen by Kitty and who knows what hiding place it was being pilfered to. That's a piece of it that I lay next to the spinning I did get done today in the photo on the bottom. I call it Exhibit A in case I have to take this to court to find any other pieces that she managed to get to her hideout. And she looked so innocent (I thinks she's teaching a course in looking innocent while ransacking a house of whatever you want...she doesn't get out so I'm sure it's an on line course at night while I'm sleeping & think the computer isn't being used...Google Cat Thief for more information).

So, I haven't actually spun as much as I'd imagined, and Kitty is getting even sneakier than I thought possible. I thought she was finished fooling with me for the day after literally falling asleep with her face on my wrist while I was knitting-see earlier blog entry-but no, she was just trying to lull me into a false sense of security while she plotted her next coup. I think purring is involved as a means of relaxing me into sleep while there is still fiber in my hands...that's just wicked. I've told her that I may have to report her to Ravelry and have Bob deal with her, she washed her face & groomed her long fluffy tail.

She's good. She's really good. She could get a job sniffing out expensive fiber...if only she'd give it to you when she found it. She's sooooo lucky we love her.

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