Friday, September 4, 2009

OMG SWEDISH YARN ! ! ! ! ! ! !

I’m beyond excited & had to share. My nephew(& Godson) and his lovely wife went to Sweden (home of my ancestors) and brought me back the most amazingly beautiful yarn so I had to share. I can’t read a word on the labels or on the website but I don’t care! It’s called Jarbo Garn(yarn-I got that), I’m guessing that the color is lovikka, & to show how chunky it is I stuck a chapstick in the photo (I’m just nice that way). I am so over the moon it’s nuts! Each is 100g=60m (I’m totally blank with metrics) and I have to come up with something extra special to make with them so I’m open to all suggestions. Oh, and I want the guy who’s knitting on the left side of their website-I called it first so he’s mine but you all can take a (there’s something very hot about a guy knitting, or maybe a Swedish guy knitting, or it could be just the guy…..)

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Lovikka is the type of the yarn. Järbo i the company. They usually don't name their colours they just put numbers instead.
    With 2 skeins of Lovikka you can make mittens.
    There is actually a certain type of mittens called Lovikka-mittens :D
    Oh, and 60 meters is about 65 yards.

    Let me know if you need any help with any translations from Swedish :)

    My name on Ravelry is SwedishRose.

    Good luck with your yarn!
