Friday, March 26, 2010

Kitty looking for yarn & doing Cat Yoga 3/25/10

Kitty has been in the hospital being treated for kidney failure. This is her second day & while she's still on IV fluids & other medications, she was doing well enough today to read her Cat Yoga book, check out my bag to see if my knitting was still in there (I took it out, no sense in teasing her with good fibers that she can't play with), did some beautiful Cat Yoga poses and took a nap on my sweater after all that work.

I want to thank everyone who have been so supportive, offering love, help, healing thoughts, prayers, and information on Kitty's condition so I can be more informed and ask the right questions when I speak with the doctors. Thank you for hoping for a miracle, it means so much to all of us. We're praying for that miracle too.

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck. Do you know about these (human) yoga books?
