Sunday, May 2, 2010

StrataCATster Has Arrived!

StrataCATster, originally uploaded by mamakinznot.

We're all still missing Kitty so much but today turned out to be a miracle day for us. We went to the North Shore Animal League's Adoption Marathon and found a kitten that my husband wasn't allergic to...a miracle!

She's a cutie and the kids think she has the look of a Rock Star! Which brings us to the naming of the kitten. The first choice was Axl for Axl Rose of Guns 'N Roses, but it's not really a feminine name so that got the ax after a while.

Then we got to naming her after a guitar. I'm good with that, but Les Paul has the same problem Axl did, as does Martin, and then we got to Fender,ahhhh, I'm liking this, but of course the inevitable problem of calling her Fendi or Gucci came up so maybe not. But wait, let's visit Fender yet again and think of that great guitar, the Stratocaster, yes, that's something I can wrap my mind around. But Strato would be masculiine, so it would have to be Strata...StrataCATster...and there you have it. A great name. Little StrataCat.

If she ever decides to stay awake long enough to learn it, I wonder if she'll live up to far I'd say she needs a little tuning, but she's just so cute I'll settle for her deciding she doesn't have to hide when she sees how big her new house is. I'm hoping that will happen very soon since it's like clowns in a VW bug when we all squeeze into the bathroom where she has her new pink Princess Bed & matching blanket, new toys, and stunning ceramic bowls from her Aunt Erika, and her litter box. I'm thrilled to announce that she finally decided it wasn't a bed and used it properly. There's hope for StrataCat yet :-)

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