Monday, January 4, 2010

More busybusybusy with photos

Ok, this isn't quite what I'd planned but I'm giving up to the powers of the computer blog idiocy when it comes to posting photos.

These are photos of my first Multnomah. All the info and pattern details are on my project page in Ravelry, where you'll also see other projects I've finally posted. Of course this was only done because I didn't have a choice about it since it was required for some of the groups I've joined this year. This shawl was made just before the 10 Shawls in 2010 group started. It's made in Dream In Color-Knitosophy in Superhero from the Loopy Ewe and I have to say it was a pleasure to knit. It's definitely a yarn I'm going to use again, and not just for socks, though it's a great yarn for them too.

The colors are more true in the top two photos where Kitty is supervising the blocking process. She's big on quality control and for some reason, she really loved this shawl and has been lounging all over it for days. I actually felt a bit guilty snatching it away from her, but I felt it was a fair trade since I left the blocking squares for her. I'm using the alphabet and number Imaginarium blocks sold for children since it was at least 4 times less than the knitter's blocking squares being sold. Kitty is learning to read while I block.

Back to the colors, Superhero is a dark shawl. It's mainly a blend,IMO,of browns,blacks,dark blues that become lighter shades of blue, plum, an almost eggplant color etc, all blended beautifully. I've given away everything I've made so far and I'm giving serious thought to keeping this one for me - it's that beautiful.

I made it larger than called for with two skeins of Superhero. One skein made up the garter stitch of the shawl & the second was used for the fan and feather pattern. I made 13 repeats of the f&f and I'd make it again in a fact I just cast on for another Multnomah in Wollmeise fingering weight on US 4 with the colorway Sabrina, which is a stunning jewel toned green, and since she doesn't read this yet, is for her 24th birthday at the end of the month.

I do have to get some baby sweaters made for the hospital (donations) and for my special nephew (and Godson) and niece, as they're expecting a boy early Feb or late Jan. As soon as I get them started I'll put them on my Ravelry project page.

So, today is the first Multnomah, and I'm very excited. I'm making it in Wollmeise - Sabrina, a stunning jewel toned green which will look fabulous on my DDs pale skin & blond hair. I've still got those shawls to make for 10 shawls for 2010, the Clapotis KAL at TLE, and the Ravelympics in Feb. I'm hoping I survive. But I know I still have to knit some baby outfits for the new little great nephew ( I can't wait til he's here so I can hold him), and a ton of socks for my son. He's turning 21 in May and I really want to give him 21 socks at the least and 21 pairs of socks at the best.

I've just got to figure out a way to put the photos wherever I want. I can’t stand computer problems. I wish I understood them more. I have to rely on my DS to help me through everything. My DH seems to know everything about that stuff but just fixes things while my DS takes the time to explain things to me in terms I can understand. (he built himself another computer over the holidays with the help of his cousin…they were together Christmas & the following day…then he did finishing touches on his own. Am I the only one who, many, many years ago, put together Barbie & her new fashion looks after Christmas & two days later on my bday. and thought I was a genius? -duh)

For example, he decided about a year ago I needed a new laptop. I had no idea why since it was still working, slow, but working. He then proceeded to let me know that he was having one built that would hold - and I can’t remember this exactly but you’ll get the idea & probably laugh your butt off at my lack of knowledge-4000 pocketbooks and my old one held about 300 pocketbooks. He went on to say he’d set it up so that all the pocketbooks would be in the computer holding everything I wanted and from time to time I’d be able to pull some of the pocketbooks to the front because I needed them. Then the other pocketbooks would move to the back of the closet and wait til I needed them to come forward. I get that concept. I just wish I had more pocketbooks. I'd like to do a bit more but he's programming his new Droid. He’s a great kid and believe me when I say I’ll miss him when he goes back to NYU (Stern School of Business) in a couple weeks.

I’m trying to make him either 21 socks, or, if I get lucky, 21 pairs of socks for his 21st bday in May. Any socks I make him he calls his lucky socks & wears them to all his tests & presentations. For some reason he knows he’s the only guy he knows with handmade socks & he’s proud to show them to anyone interested. Fortunately for me he likes ankle socks. Could it be that handmade socks, when made by ones mother, are really lucky socks, helping the recipient get As in his classes, scholarships, deans list? Hmmmm. He’s going to Buenos Aires over spring break to work with a company there as part of one of his classes. I”m not taking any chances. I’m sending him with as many handmade socks as I can knit. If I pass the 21 pair mark I’m making his roomies a couple pairs as well. I’m a firm believer in spreading the luck/love, especially to the young where the art of the handmade item is all but lost. They need to know how wonderful this kind of art actually is so they can tell stories of their socks to others, spreading the good word about people like us who take the time to carry our ancestors with us in our hearts when we make something for another person.

I”m glad we have computers & people who can make them work for us. But I still believe someone will cherish the memory of handknit socks at least a couple decades longer than the guy who fixed out computer.

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